Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Assignment Write-up [4/18/13]

Posted by honesttoblog42 at 8:31 PM
This is assignment is just a progress report of our final project. This is the first act of my project Argle Bargle's fantastical circus. The scenes for the second and third act are set-up but the first act is the only one that i have fully animated right now. A lot of things were added in during the animation progress. I decided to make some unique backgrounds for Mindy during her single shots as well as some new characters and designs. So the process of making this took a little longer than expected. I ran into a little technical issue with Mindy's arms. It seemed to distort really badly once I began rotating it on an axis. I haven't figured out why but I don't think it's too noticeable to be distracting. There are also some issues with joints showing and some craft issues in the making of the characters that I will fix once everything is done and I go back into the meticulous process of editing.


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