Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A New Life, A Different Life breakdown

Posted by honesttoblog42 at 8:30 AM

3- Act structure
ACT I - Set up

Mallory is introduced as a regular average joe who goes about her daily life as a regular average joe would. We see her going through her daily schedule with a bored tired look on her face.

Inciting Incident
She suddenly get the urge to super clean her home.

Plot point #1
While dusting her bookshelf she finds a journal she wrote in a long time ago.

ACT II - Confrontation

Mallory reads through the journal and realizes her life is so boring and monotonous. She decides to change that.

There aren't many physical obstacles in her way. Other than the angry girlfriend of the co-worker she kisses. I suppose her overcoming her obstacles is just finally doing what she WANTS to do, or finally having the drive to do it.

1st Culmination
Other than the boyfriend scene I can't think of one.

Well she kind of gets punched in the face. I don't know if that counts.

ACT III - Resolution
Mallory writes her day in her journal and decides that day, will be HER just another day.

The act of Mallory writing in the journal.

Mallory settling into bed and making her decision.


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