Thursday, February 14, 2013

Assignment Write-up [2/14/13]

Posted by honesttoblog42 at 6:54 AM
For this assignment we learned the puppet tool. For the very first assignment I created a character that moved a little too organic than I could do with the tools I was just learning so I had the character tucked away for his specific assignment. However, I wasn't able to use her because I wasn't able to get her completely figured out in photoshop. She had to be only one layer and the way I wanted to portray her was causing some difficulty. So I decided to animate a blade of grass. I chose to animate grass because it moves in the same manner that a candle flame does which is what my character is. The movement was pretty simple enough to create however, there were many small issues that arose like excessive stretching  figuring out which pins needed toggle hold frames, making some areas be still using the starch, and figuring out what would move when and where. I know this could be greatly improved upon to make it look a lot smoother and to provide a lot less stretching.


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